




注意介係詞的用法 (1)

  1. 表示地方
  1. in                     in the school (在學校裡)
  2. on                    on the table (在桌子上)
  3. over                 over the river在河面上
  4. under              under the bed (在床底下)
  5. above              above the horizon (在水平面下)
  6. by / beside      by/ beside the window(在窗戶旁邊)
  7. before              before an audience (在觀眾面前)
  8. behind             behind the house (在房子後面)
  9. through           through the park (穿過公園)
  10. across               across the street (橫越街道)
  11. at +小地方         at the station (在車站)
  12. in +大地方         in Taipei(在台北)
  13. in front of         in front of the building(在建築物的前面)
  14. in the front of  in the front of the classroom (在教室的前面)
  15. in back of          in back of the building (在建築物的後面)
  16. in the back of   in the back of the classroom (在教室的後面)
  17. next to              next to the tree (在樹的旁邊)
  18. between            between A and B (AB的中間)
  19. beyond             beyond the river (越過河流)
  20. opposite to       opposite to the post office(在郵局對面)
  1. 表示時間
  1. at + 某一時刻

at twelve oclock (12)

at dinner(在晚餐時)

  1. in +較長的一段時間

in February (在二月)

in the night(在晚上)

  1. on +特定日子

on Sunday (在星期日)

on April 2(在四月二日那天)

  1. by 不晚於

by the end of the year(在今年年底前)

  1. till / until 直到為止

They danced till / until midnight. 他們跳舞跳到午夜。

  1. since +過去時間

I havne’t heard from him since last year.從去年以來未曾收過他的音訊。

  1. for+一段時間

I haven’t seen him for four years.我已經四年沒見過他了。

  1. through從頭到尾

through the summer vacation整個暑假

  1. 其他介係詞
  1. 在三者(以上)之間 among
  2. 在二者之間between
  3. 由於result from +原因
  4. 造成result in / bring about +結果
  5. 依賴depend on / rely on / count on
  6. 成功succeed in
  7. 繼承succeed to
  8. 除了之外except
  9. ..製成(物理變化)be made of
  10. ..製成(化學變化)be made from
  11. 保護protect ...from
  12. 保持keep …from
  13. 阻止stop …from
  14. 勸阻discourage …from
  15. 避免prevent …from

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