5. 各位記得要當個誠實的人喔!Jennifer的目的是要鼓勵全台灣的人學習,所以請你們一定要真正學習,好嗎?
5. Questions:(錄音檔)
42.Do you like to raise your hand in class?
43.Do you ever listen to cassettes in class?
44.Do you ever write on the board?
45.Name three things you can write with.
46.Name three things you can open.
1. 黑板chalkboard
2. 螢幕screen
3. 數字numbers
4. 老師teacher
5. 學生student
6. 書桌desk
7. 椅子 chair
7-1 座位seat
8. 舉手raise your hand
9. 跟老師說話talk to the teacher
10. 聽CD listen to a CD
11. 站起來stand up
12. 坐下 sit down / take a seat
13. 指一個圖片point to the picture
14. 在黑板上寫字write on the board
15. 擦黑板erase the board
16. 打開書open your book
17. 闔上書close your book
18. 拿出鉛筆take out your pencil
19. 把鉛筆收起來put away your pencil
20. 書櫃bookcase
21. 地球儀globe
22. 時鐘clock
23. 播放卡帶的播放器cassette player
24. 地圖map
25. 削鉛筆機pencil sharpener
26. 公佈欄bulletin board
27. 電腦computer
28. 粉筆chalk
29. 黑板擦chalkboard eraser
30. 原子筆pen
31. 麥克筆marker
32. 鉛筆pencil
33. 鉛筆橡皮擦pencil eraser
34. 課本textbook
35. 習作本workbook
36. 裝訂本 binder
36-1 筆記本(照片) notebook
37. 筆記本紙notebook paper
38. 螺旋筆記本spiral notebook
39. 尺ruler
40. 字典dictionary
41. 圖片字典picture dictionary